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Object status

The Object status pattern informs the user of the dynamic state or condition of an object.


Ingredients page anchor

Status Badge

Component composition

Create a composition with Box, Icon, and Text.

// import all components for Object status patterns

import { Box } from "@twilio-paste/core/box";
import {​ Text } from "@twilio-paste/core/text";
import {​ StatusBadge } from "@twilio-paste/core/status-badge";
import {​ StatusMenu } from "@twilio-paste/core/status-menu";
import { ProcessDisabledIcon } from "@twilio-paste/icons/esm/ProcessDisabledIcon";
import { ProcessDraftIcon } from "@twilio-paste/icons/esm/ProcessDraftIcon";
import { ProcessErrorIcon } from "@twilio-paste/icons/esm/ProcessErrorIcon";
import { ProcessInProgressIcon } from "@twilio-paste/icons/esm/ProcessInProgressIcon";
import { ProcessNeutralIcon } from "@twilio-paste/icons/esm/ProcessNeutralIcon";
import { ProcessSuccessIcon } from "@twilio-paste/icons/esm/ProcessSuccessIcon";
import { ProcessWarningIcon } from "@twilio-paste/icons/esm/ProcessWarningIcon";

General usage

General usage page anchor

An Object status is used to communicate the dynamic state of an object. Use it to help a user identify something that requires their attention and often, their action. When a status is used to indicate to the user that they need to take action, be sure to provide clear controls to take that action (check out the example in Process status).

Object statuses are:

  • Always related to an object. For example, this pattern applies to SIMs and regulatory bundles, but not to a step in a wizard flow. Instead, use the Error state pattern or Progress Steps component.
  • Not used for static attributes. For example, “SMS-capable” is not a status on a phone number.
  • Different from notification and feedback messaging, which is in direct response to a user action.
  • Different from alert messaging, which is from the system.
  • Used to draw a user’s attention to important information. Use plain text statuses when the status is not critical information for a user to know.

Non-text status indicators (such as icons or status dots) should be paired with text whenever possible and should always be given a title to give context and meaning to the icon or shape. Check out the icon usage guidelines for more detailed accessibility information.

Process statuses indicate an object’s progress through a set of stages. Process statuses should always be paired with text.

To determine how to show a process status:

  • If additional information is needed about the status, use Icon, Text, and Anchor (optional).
  • If it’s in a Table and no additional information is needed, use a borderless Status Badge.
  • Otherwise, use the default Status Badge.

Placement of the status in a Table should depend on the importance of the status to the given user flow and should be tested with users.

For statuses that are not as critical to a user’s workflow, use plain text statuses.

Icon and token pairings

Icon and token pairings page anchor
IconIcon nameTokenStatus Badge variantUsage
ErrorProcessErrorIcon$color-text-icon-errorProcessErrorIndicates an error or that something went wrong.
WarningProcessWarningIcon$color-text-icon-warningProcessWarningIndicates a condition requiring corrective action.
SuccessProcessSuccessIcon$color-text-icon-successProcessSuccessIndicates that something is stable, active, or successfully completed.
NeutralProcessNeutralIcon$color-text-icon-neutralProcessNeutralIndicates a neutral / informative state. Can be used to fill any gaps that the more specific statuses don’t cover.
In-progressProcessInProgressIcon$color-text-icon-neutralProcessInProgressIndicates that something is in progress, in review, or scheduled.
DisabledProcessDisabledIcon$color-text-iconProcessDisabledIndicates that something is inactive, disabled, or paused.
DraftProcessDraftIcon$color-text-iconProcessDraftIndicates that something is a draft, unused, or not started.

Not all object statuses need icons or shapes. In fact, giving every status an icon or a shape can make it difficult for a user to find and focus on the most critical information

If some statuses—such as successes or failures—are critical, use plain text for the other statuses that a user doesn’t need to identify as quickly.

Connectivity statuses are used to show if a user, object, or system is online or offline. Connectivity statuses should always be paired with text.

To determine how to show a connectivity status:

  • If additional information is needed to explain the status, use Icon, Text, and Anchor.
  • If it’s in a Table and no additional information is needed, use a borderless Status Badge.
  • Otherwise, use the default Status Badge.

Connectivity icon and token pairings

Connectivity icon and token pairings page anchor
IconIcon nameTokenStatus Badge variantUsage
availableConnectivityAvailableIcon$color-text-icon-availableConnectivityAvailableIndicates that a person or entity is available or online.
busyConnectivityBusyIcon$color-text-icon-busyConnectivityBusyIndicates that a person or entity is busy or away.
unavailableConnectivityUnavailableIcon$color-text-icon-unavailableConnectivityUnavailableIndicates that a person or entity is unavailable or at capacity.
neutralConnectivityNeutralIcon$color-text-icon-neutralConnectivityNeutralIndicates that a person or entity is neutral.
offlineConnectivityOfflineIcon$color-text-icon-offlineConnectivityOfflineIndicates that a person or entity is offline.

Swapping statuses with Status Menu

Swapping statuses with Status Menu page anchor

Use a Status Menu to let users swap between statuses.

Not Started

Use status icons to draw attention to the most important statuses. Try to limit a given set of statuses to 3–4 icons, and use plain text statuses for the rest. This helps users skim a dense set of data for the information that is most critical.

not started
Not started
error detected
Error detected

Don't put a status icon or shape on every status if some statuses are more important than others. If all statuses are of equal importance, they can all have icons.